First Steps to Understanding User Analytics

1 minute read

In this article, we will learn more about the analytics available on the Dashboard.

How is this useful?
Analytics allows you to monitor the usage level of your bot and the number of daily users for selected time periods. You may also evaluate the ratings of the bot at the end of the conversations. By understanding how your users use the bot, and how they feel about the Bot, you can help to improve the Bot where necessary.

What do all the different numbers mean?
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  • Number of Chat Sessions: This metric tracks the total count of chat interactions that have occurred over a specified period.
  • Number of Users: This figure represents the total number of unique users who have interacted with the chatbot.
  • Question Coverage Percentage: This percentage indicates the proportion of user questions that the chatbot has successfully answered.
  • Distribution of Chats Across a Day: This data shows how chat sessions are spread throughout different times of the day, highlighting peak activity periods.
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  • Total Live Chats: This metric counts the total number of live chat sessions that have taken place over a specified timeframe.
  • Percentage of Live Chat Requests Attended to: This indicates the proportion of incoming live chat requests that have been responded to by agents.
  • Distribution of Live Chat: This data shows the spread of live chat sessions across date.
  • Number of Live Chat Requests by Hour of Day: This statistic tracks the number of live chat requests received during each hour of the day, identifying peak periods of activity.
  • Abandoned Chats: This metric measures the number of live chat sessions that were initiated by users but not engaged by an agent, resulting in abandonment.
  • Agent Performance Details: This provides insights into live chat agent metrics, such as No. Of Live Chat Handled, % Of Live Chat Handled, Average Handling time (Mins), and Total Handling Time (Hours).

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