Enhanced WhatsApp Analytics with Templates

We’re thrilled to launch an improved WhatsApp Analytics feature that offers deeper insights into how your template messages are performing. This update provides detailed stats on how many templates were sent, read, and delivered, as well as engagement levels with clickable buttons in your messages.

    Key Benefits:

    • Template Tracking: See how many templates are sent, read and interacted with.
    • Button Engagement: Track how users engage with clickable buttons within each template. 
    • Historical Data: Data is not real-time but provides a history of template performance. 
    • Up to 10 Templates: You can review analytics for up to 10 templates at once.

    This feature, currently in beta, is designed to help you fine-tune your messaging strategy. Get ready to make data-driven decisions, boost engagement, and improve communication with your audience.

      For any inquiries regarding product enhancements, please contact us at cspm@keyreply.com.