Chat History Downloads in PDF

Download chat history in PDF Format

In the ever-evolving landscape of communication, KeyReply is committed to providing you with versatile tools to enhance your workflow. With our latest enhancement, we're excited to introduce the ability to download chat history in PDF format within the Monitor tab.

As a KeyReply agent, you can now seamlessly generate PDF versions of your chat histories, adding a new layer of convenience and flexibility to your record-keeping process. Whether you need to archive important conversations, share them with your team, or simply prefer the PDF format, this feature is designed to simplify your workflow.

To access this functionality, navigate to the Monitor tab and select the desired chat history. From there, you'll find the option to download it as a PDF file, alongside the existing .txt and .xlsx formats. We believe this enhancement will empower you to manage your chat history more efficiently and effectively. Enjoy the enhanced capabilities, and stay tuned for more innovations from KeyReply!

    For any inquiries regarding product enhancements, please contact us at