Custom Agent Chat Limit for Individual Agents

Improved the Agent Chat Limit Feature by introducing custom limitations for individual agents

In the Chat Limit Feature, administrators can now fine-tune chat limitations on a per-agent basis. This enhancement provides greater flexibility in managing chat allocations, ensuring that each agent's workload aligns with their capabilities. Previously, chat limitations were system-wide settings, impacting all agents uniformly. With this enhancement, administrators gain granular control over the chat limit configuration for individual agents.

Furthermore, we have enhanced the setup to be more advanced. Previously, chat assignments were based solely on the department agents belonged to, restricting managers' ability to fine-tune chat distribution. With our enhancement, managers now have the power to specify the departments from which agents should receive chat support without altering their profile settings. This allows for a more nuanced allocation of chat responsibilities, enabling managers to optimize agent efficiency based on their unique skill sets and departmental needs.

To access and modify these settings, simply navigate to Settings/Handover/Agent Chat Limit within the system. It's important to note that the list of departments and agents available for configuration is automatically fetched from the system's authentication data. This ensures the accuracy and consistency of the available options, and manual additions of agents or departments are not supported in this context. The new configuration seamlessly integrates into the auto-assignment process for live chat. Empower your team with a more tailored approach to chat management, optimizing agent performance and ensuring a more efficient distribution of chat responsibilities.

Key Benefits:
  1. Granular Control: Administrators gain granular control over chat limit configurations for individual agents, allowing them to optimize workload distribution based on each agent's capacity and capabilities.
  2. Improved Efficiency: By aligning chat allocations with agent capabilities, this enhancement improves overall efficiency in handling chat responsibilities, leading to enhanced agent performance and customer satisfaction.
  3. Seamless Integration: The new configuration seamlessly integrates into the auto-assignment process for live chat, ensuring a smooth workflow and eliminating manual intervention in chat management.
  4. Enhanced Accuracy: The automatic fetching of the list of departments and agents from the system's authentication data ensures the accuracy and consistency of available options, reducing the risk of errors in configuration.

For any inquiries regarding product enhancements, please contact us at