Pagination and Search in Access Control's User List

Pagination and Search Functionality for List Users in Access Control

    This enhancement marks a significant upgrade to the List Users section within Access Control by introducing pagination and search functionality. Pagination allows users to view users in manageable chunks, enhancing performance by reducing the strain on loading times, especially in cases where there are large numbers of users to display.

    Moreover, the addition of search functionality empowers users to quickly locate specific users by their name or email, offering a more intuitive and efficient user experience. This feature not only saves time but also improves accuracy in finding desired user records, contributing to a smoother workflow.

    The primary goal of these enhancements is to streamline user management processes within the Access Control feature. By providing tools that enhance efficiency, such as pagination and search, users can manage their user lists more effectively and perform tasks with greater ease.

    Ultimately, this update aims to improve overall efficiency within the application, ensuring that user management tasks are completed more swiftly and accurately. This enhancement reflects our commitment to continuously improving the user experience and optimizing processes within the Access Control feature.

    For any inquiries regarding product enhancements, please contact us at